Was very happy to defend my thesis Drumming Up Health: A Case Study of Carleton University’s West African Rhythm Ensemble yesterday. My examiners had some great questions that sparked some thoughtful conversations. A special treat was being able to have Rory & Iris in the room, along with some of my colleagues and other grad students. After a little over 90 minutes we left the room for the deliberation. When we were called back in I was thrilled to hear I passed with high distinction and the committee is recommending the thesis for a Senate Medal. Woohoo! Its been such a great experience to be back in school again, and find ways to articulate the powerful health benefits of drumming and dancing. I learned so much and am really excited to apply it to my future work. I have to especially thank my colleague and supervisor Prof. Anna Hoefnagels who encouraged me to start this project and helped every step along the way. What a great mentor and friend she has been! Definitely spent some time celebrating later with good friends. Thanks to everyone for supporting me through this process. Now back to those few (!) things I put on the back burner about two years ago……
Addendum: Senate Medal Awarded! See here for details.
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