Very excited to announce Pulse!, my new initiative connecting my drumming and community arts work with the research and MA in Music and Culture I recently completed at Carleton University. My coursework and thesis, entitled “drumming up Health”examined the links between drumming and positive mental, social and physical health. This new section of my business will offer a range of experiential workshops, facilitated talks and other offerings to support individual and collective wellness in educational and healthcare settings, workplaces, community hubs, and wherever people gather! More details to be announced soon …for now, I am looking forward to the launch event, Thursday November 30, in Ottawa, in partnership with the Sandy Hill Community Health Centre and Baobab Community. Details on the poster below! As one of my research participants said:
“The way that the music is organized, where each person learns to play and perform each part of a piece, so that each member is on equal footing as every other member, it creates such a strong community that can really rely on each other” -JW
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